How To Cure GERD For GOOD!

By Kapiva Editorial

Acid reflux can happen to any of us. The condition is usually characterized by a burning pain around the lower chest area and is caused when the stomach acid goes up into the esophagus or food pipe. Discomfort and pain usually worsen when you bend over or lie down.


If you experience acid reflux two or more times a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Aside from heartburn, symptoms like a sore throat, nausea, chest pain, and dry cough are common.


If not treated properly and immediately, these conditions can lead to complications such as Barrett’s esophagus.


You might ask the question “Is GERD curable?” Fortunately, GERD is highly treatable and is actually preventable! 


Causes of GERD


GERD, also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is a type of gastrointestinal problem that has its roots in the stomach. GERD is said to take place when the acid present in the stomach flows back into the esophagus (the narrow tube that connects the stomach to the mouth). When this happens frequently, the inner lining of the esophagus starts getting irritated with the backwash (acid reflux) leading to uneasiness. It is very common to experience GERD and it happens to people from time to time!


Symptoms Of GERD


GERD can be recognized by a common signs and symptoms that include:


  • Heartburn that occurs after having a meal (NOTE: might be worse during night time)
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing morsels of food
  • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid
  • Sensation of a lump in your throat


While acid reflux that is experienced during the night time can consist of symptoms and signs like:


  • Chronic cough
  • Laryngitis
  • Asthma (Novel or Chronic)
  • Sleep disturbance



What are the Risk factors of GERD?


Depending on your current health status and the presence of disabilities or diseases, your risk factors can exponentially increase if you have few certain conditions, they include:


Obesity is one of the most common conditions that affect and amplifies the risk of suffering from GERD, followed by hiatal hernia (this condition is when there’s bulging that occurs at the top of the stomach that goes up straight towards the diaphragm area). Then there’s pregnancy which is another cause for GERD and is also very commonly reported. Furthermore, conditions like scleroderma (a connective tissue disorder) can also play a crucial part in aggravating the intensity of GERD. And lastly, holding in stomach waste and delaying stomach emptying can have a very very negative impact on your stomach by also inducing toxins into your system and thereby causing collateral damage to your body.


GERD and acid reflux can further be aggravated through the following few factors, they include:


  • Smoking
  • Eating large meals or eating late at night
  • Eating certain foods (triggers) such as fatty or fried foods
  • Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol or coffee
  • Taking certain medications, such as aspirin


What is the fastest way to cure GERD?


Before we go to the fastest way, a more important question is, can GERD be cured permanently?


If you’re looking for how to cure GERD permanently, please note that there is no permanent solution to get rid of it. There are multiple home remedies for GERD that focus on preventing it and treating its symptoms. Chronic Gerd or a serious condition might take time to be cured but mild cases of Gerd can be treated with simple lifestyle changes.


Tips to Prevent Acid Reflux & Heartburn Naturally


  1. Obesity is the leading cause of severe acid reflux, as extra stomach fat puts pressure on your abdominal area. Try to maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Spicy, fatty, and acidic foods are known to cause reflux – avoid these triggers.
  3. Don’t bend or lie down after eating. Gravity helps keep acid refluxes from occurring. Wait at least three hours before lying down after a meal.
  4. Eat smaller meals. Large meals put additional pressure on your abdomen, increasing the risk of reflux.
  5. Elevate your bed. Acid indigestion can be stopped by using wedge-shaped support to keep gastric acid from going into your esophagus.
  6. The muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter are weakened from smoking, making you experience frequent episodes of heartburn. So, quit smoking!


In addition to the above tips, Ayurveda also recommends a number of herbs to cure GERD, treat dermatitis and heartburn naturally.


Ayurvedic Remedies for Acid Reflux


  1. Aloe Vera Juice for GRED

Aloe Vera. Yup, the super plant helps in soothing inflammation in the esophagus and stomach and provides immediate relief from bloating, acid reflux and is helpful in GERD treatment.


While people have recognized it as a practical solution long ago, science has finally caught up and confirmed that aloe vera represent a “safe and effective treatment for reducing GERDsymptoms”


GERD treatment in Ayurveda makes use of Aloe Vera. Drinking just two to three ounces of purified aloe vera juice can serve as a great acid reflux cure. If you are concerned about an upcoming heavy meal, consume it 20 minutes prior. Obviously, do not take it in excessive quantities as it can have laxative effects.


  1. Mulethi for Acidity

Mulethi (Licorice root) alleviates the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn associated with GERD. For best results, combine it with other herbs like chamomile, peppermint, milk thistle, angelica and lemon balm.


Additionally, you can take chewable mulethi tablets two to three times a day for an effective heartburn remedy.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar w/Mother

Apple cider vinegar with mother helps in balancing the production of acid in the stomach. It also aids digestion and helps avoid intestinal problems that may cause acid reflux. But be warned if you are on certain medications, including laxatives, diuretics, and heart disease medications – it is not advised.


Dilute one or two teaspoons of ACV with mother a cup of water. Consider adding one teaspoon of honey to taste, and stir well. Use a straw to prevent tooth erosion and drink the solution 30 minutes before meals. As a preventive measure, doing this every morning on an empty stomach is a great way to combat GERD.


Wrapping Up!


Acid reflux and GERD may happen to anyone at any given time. While they come with a lot of discomfort and unpleasant symptoms, they are, fortunately, highly preventable and treatable. If you’re experiencing either of the disorders, make sure to apply natural remedies first and minor lifestyle changes to deal with their symptoms!

– Amit Vaidya

Amit Vaidya is the best-selling author of the memoir Holy Cancer and the upcoming Food Is Medicine cookbook series. He is the in-house health & wellness expert for Kapiva Ayurveda, advocating for the empowerment of all individuals to be in the driver’s seat of their own lives. He chronicles his life on Instagram under the handle @live4todayamit. 

Take a look at Tips To Cure Your Morning Sickness

This information is part of the series produced for



Kapiva Editorial

We are a team of food scientists and Ayurveda experts at Kapiva. Our mission is to raise awareness and educate people on ancient principles and herbs found in traditional texts. We work together to develop the most comprehensive content on Ayurveda which is grounded in peer-reviewed, scientific research.